We have put together this simple "Artwork Guidelines" document to help you navigate the world of logos and how to ensure they will come out perfectly on your desired garments.
By following these simple steps and instructions, you will avoid any unnecessary charges or delays, whilst ensuring you receive the highest quality customisation.

Vector Files
A vector file is typically saved as a .ai, .pdf or .eps file. It is easy to know if your logo is a vector file, simply by zooming into past 100%. The edges look blurry and not crisp then your logo isn't vector based. This can also be the same for the above files as sometimes people will take a jpg or bmp and re-save it as an ai file. So make sure to check by zooming into it.
If you're unsure then ask your logo designer to send you the original vector artwork, they should have this on file.

Converting Fonts to Paths (or Curves)
If your logo or artwork has fonts/ typefaces then these must be converted to paths (or curves depending on your software package). This means that when the text is converted to a path or curve, you will not be able to edit the text anymore. This is important because if the text isn't converted to paths then when we open the file and don't have that font we wont be able to match your artwork.

For CAD Cut Vinyl we have a selection of colours available and will match your colours as closely as we can.
For Print n Cut Vinyl we print from an 8 colour set. We cannot print Pantones so please ensure you convert these to spot colours.
For screen printing, please ensure each colour is split onto a different layer. This is because we screen print each colour separately.
Finally, for embroidery we have a range of threads and will match your colours as closely as we can to the available threads.

High Resolution Files
For embroidery we do not need a vector logo although it does help if you have it. However, we do need to ensure the file is a high resolution file this is so the designers can see the artwork clearly to get it ready for digitising. All files will be subject to a set up fee for any placement type we do. However, sometimes if the files aren't right then we may need to re-draw the logo for you which we charge £24.99 per hour for.